Meet our Minister

Rev Crystal Muldrow

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Rev Crystal Muldrow arrived at Unity of Fort Myers in the Fall of 2020 while we were in lock-down from Covid. She began her ministry to our members in an empty Sanctuary. A fire in Oct of 2021 which caused the loss of our Friendship Hall and Hurricane Ian in 2022 have kept her involved in more than a normal ministry. She is loved by all of our Unity family.

Rev. Crystal Muldrow's ministerial direction is to help, encourage and empower people of all ages and backgrounds in pursuing authentic life changes by guiding them in waking up to their innate spiritual magnificence through applying Unity teachings, tools and prayers in their daily life.

Since childhood, Rev. Crystal has had a deep fascination with world religions. A spiritual journeyer,

  • Rev. Crystal was ordained as a Unity Minister in 2006. 
  • She holds two ordinations as a Zen Buddhist monk/nun, and recently completed her studies to be a shamanic practitioner.
  • She has been involved in numerous forms of ministry and ecumenical outreach, including Sr. Minister at Unity Church in Albany,
  • founding minister of the Unity Community for Spiritual Unfoldment (an alternative web ministry designed to meet the spiritual needs of young adults),
  • producer and host of the Unity FM radio show “U Wakeup!” (geared toward the cultural creative demographic),
  • a Silent Unity prayer associate for 11 years
  • as an instructor at the Unity Urban Ministerial School (ordaining Unity Ministers). 

Rev Crystal can be reached at