There Are No Limits to Prayer
No prayer request is too big or too small. Some people call when they’ve lost a loved one; others call when they’ve misplaced their keys! Even if you are not sure what to pray for, our chaplain team will pray with you about your situation right after Sunday services. Prayer Requests submitted on the form below are prayed over by our prayer team and chaplains and then sent to Silent Unity for more prayerful attention.
If you know someone who is sick and would like a personal visit by a chaplain or minister, Please Contact the Office at 239-278-1511
Prayer for Health by Grenville Kleiser
Think Health! Yourself as healthy see. For as you think within your hearts, So you will be.
Talk health! Speak words of truth and praise, and know that wisdom's tongue is life and length of days.
Act health! Let manner, mood and mind show purpose, poise and power in high degree combined.
Build health! by thought and word and deed: Look high, have faith, endure, persist and you'll succeed.
You can also submit your prayer request directly to Silent Unity or call 816-969-2000 for immediate connection with a person who will pray with you.