Gathering Meditation

The Gathering Meditation:  Sundays 9:30-9:55 in the Chapel.

Please join Linda Walton in the Chapel for The Gathering prayer and Meditation, based on Jim Rosemergy's book "The Gathering"

Come and Deepen your Experience of God's Presence and Power

Enjoy Music, Affirmations,Prayer/Meditation and Mystical Silence

The book is available in our bookstore and from Unity online

photo of the Gathering steps

What we do


We sit in a circle in the chapel.

The leader reads "The Gathering" steps.from the book

We read about one step in more detail and may discuss it.

We may do a guided meditation or practice another meditation type.

We always spend time in silence together (meditating).

We read the last step.

The Gathering photo of Book

The Gathering steps