Upcoming Events - Everyone Welcome


Everyone Welcomed, regardless of gender, age, nationality, faith, orientation, or spiritual journey. YOU are welcomed to connect, celebrate, and enjoy the warmth, love and peace of togetherness. 


 SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am:  Everyone is Welcome Here! 

Join us for an uplifting Sunday services filled with community spirit.





AMUGE - MONTHLY GAME NIGHTFun Games for members and friends

-2nd Monday 5 to 7 pm of Every Month 

Join one of the groups or bring your own game and invite your friends.





Rev Crystal Muldrow
Sunday Message 7/28 10  am - Rev Crystal Muldrow Deep Freyed Blues,

Musical Guests -Deep Freyed Blues 




7/28/ 11:30 Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting - All members are welcome to attend


* Sunday, August 11 - 11:30 - UFM Town Hall Meeting  Join us to learn what is happening at UFM. Everyone Welcome!

* Sunday Aug 19th - Rev. Roxanne Riley,

* Saturday, August 24 - 10:30 - 12:30 - Bldg C - High Vibration Wellness High Vibration Wellness Book signing

Presentation & Book signing by Lainie Sevante Wulcan & 6 authors of this international best selling book!

.  Special offers & Giveaways. FREE event but you MUST RSVP    info@ciftofficial.com 



World peace  

 Wednesday, September 11 thru Sept 12 - 24 hours - World Day of Prayer -

Taking this time to align with Source energy, I breath into the awareness of our divine potential and allow for the magnificent truth to declare "My Faith Moves Mountains!" 

 Wednesday will be a special multi-denominational panel in the Sanctuary with Rev Crystal and Rabbi Diamond.

You can sign up for a quiet prayer time in the "holy of holies" Watch for more details.


* Sunday Sept 15th - Rev. Evelyn Foreman,

* Sunday, Sept 29 - 11:30 - Community Chili Cook-Off - Family & Friends Day - Stay tuned for more info!

HOPE, our UFM Mascot  Saturday, October 5 - Pet Blessing on Campus - Stay tuned for more info.






* Friday, November 29th - The Incorrigibles Concert Susie Hulcher, Ricky Howard, Matt Baxley & Darrel Nutt - https://youtube.com/watch?v=0DJ6EbLF7AE


*  Jan 29th - Sun 10am - Jim and Nancy Rosemergy return with another awesome message.

*** April 9, 1951; 2026 - The “birthdate” of Unity of Fort Myers our 75th anniversary. Planning for the date for the burning of the mortgage

For more info on ALL of these, check the weekly Friday Newsletter by email and this website.  https://www.unityoffortmyers.org/

For Further Information ;      office@unityoffortmyers.org  239-278-1511